Who Are We?

We are a missionary force of Christians 
offering the care and compassion of Christ to all,
 meeting you wherever you are on life's journey. 

We hope you'll join us!

Detroit Lakes United Methodist Church offers one worship service (January through March) on Sunday morning at 9:15 am.
In April, we'll resume two morning worship services at 8:15 am or 10:15 am.

On Wednesdays we have TGIW (Thank God It's Wednesday) where we gather for dinner at 5pm, contemporary worship at 6pm, and children, youth, and adult small groups following worship.

We welcome all persons.

While the United Methodist Church is currently undergoing a long debate over questions of human sexuality, our congregation seeks to be a church that is truly welcoming of all persons wherever they are on life's journey and that absolutely includes our LGBTQ+ neighbors and friends.
DLUMC is a part of the Reconciling Ministries Network, a group of United Methodist Churches seeking to be the inclusive church God is calling us to be. 

Worship with us online!

You can worship with us straight from our website. Feel free to use the links below to check out past worship services, give a gift online or let us know how we can be in prayer for you. 

Worship Times

Sundays at 9:15am
TGIW: Dinner, Worship, and Small Groups from 5-7:30pm on Wednesdays